Here are all of the times we've mentioned Terry Pratchett's Discworld
Controllers Down: What Defined Gaming in 2024 - Part Two
We reflect on the whimsical world of gaming in 2024 with guests Matthew Bliss, and Alyxa. We share hilarious anecdotes about our most questionable in-game actions, from wild NPC interactions to bizarre character fixations. And our discussion touches on the impact of player agency in multiplayer experiences and highlights the memorable chaos that arises from emergent gameplay.
read moreMortal Kombat - Leg-Fu for the Win
Anthony (of Capes on the Couch) joined us to go a hilarious and irreverent deep dive into the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie, discussing everything from its iconic soundtrack to its questionable casting choices. Also, what’s a "Bloodwind" instrument? And did Kevin Nash give his quads that Raiden could look fabulous?
read moreThe Games we Love with Lord Nerdy Cephalopod
Laughter, nonsense, and absurdity abounds in episode 130 of the podcast. We were joined by Lord Nerdy Cephalopod (aka Brian) to talk about the games we’ve been playing, what he would take with him to the Thunder Plains, and the game series that we love to come back to.
read moreDiscworld and Beyond With Gregg Barnett
Jay had the chance to sit with a legend in the video gaming industry: Gregg Barnett. He has worked on immersing and game changing (if you’ll pardon the pun) titles since the early 80s including Hungry Horace, the Discworld adventure games, and Ghost Master.
read moreTime Cast Pod Machine Part Three
Part three of our discussion with Chief has Squidgey describing his 5 best (and one honourable mention) Sega Saturn Games; a discussion on CD audio on Saturn, Playstation and Dreamcast games
read moreFavourite Games With White Mage and Red Mage
In this episode, we brought back White Mage and Red Mage. This time we talked about our favourite games ever, suggesting a lot of games along the way, but finally settling on three each (they weren’t easy decisions at all, though). to find out which games, you’ll have to listen to the episode
read moreDiscworld 2: Missing Presumed...!?
There’s a place you’re always welcome, That’s as nice as it can be. Everyone can get in, ‘Cause it’s absolutely free! This week Jay waffles on about the second Discworld point and click adventure
read moreDiscworld Pointing and Clicking Our Way to Pratchett
In which Jay discusses the PC (and later, PlayStation) game based on Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series of books
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