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Show Notes
The lads wanted to announce a short summer break, and wanted to do it in style…. podcasting style, that is. So this episode is their way of letting you all know what’s happening, and suggesting a few things that you might be interested in until they return
in September 2023, so not that long from when the episode was released
As Jay said in the episode:
So this is hopefully going to be a very short episode just to announce that we’re going on a production hiatus for the summer.
Because over here in the northern hemisphere, it’s the summertime. And so we would like you all to have a lovely summer. And we want to have a lovely summer. And partially that means getting away from the computer.
And for those who don’t know, you need a computer to record - you don’t really need a computer to record a podcast, but it makes it way easier. So we’re going to get away from the computer for a little bit and spend some time just sort of chilling
Thoughts on Burnout
And one of the things which brought this idea to the forefront was a short video that Jay had watched on burnout. It’s a presentation from this year’s GDC (Games Developer’s Conference) and everyone, no matter what industry they work in, should watch this video
because burnout sucks, trust me - Jay
And as Squidge says:
There’s only one you. You’ve only got one brain. Take care of it.
And helping with burnout doesn’t have to always mean talking with a therapist
but we’d recommend it - Jay
it can mean just calling up a friend:
Go talk to someone or just call up one of your mates and say, "hey, Jeff," assuming they are called Jeff, "do you fancy having a chat and meet up for a coffee, or meet up for a hot chocolate, or meet up for whatever kind of tasty beverage you drink on a regular basis?"
Go get some sun, get some grass under your feet and go meet your mates. That’s what I’ll say.
And Squidge’s advice is solid, too:
Yeah, there’s no stigma. I mean, asking for help’s, hardest thing you can do. But once you’ve done it, that’s the hardest part
And burnout. Yeah. I can say for me, it happened a year ago. I’m still struggling with it 100%.
Future Games?
Usually the lads discuss the games that we have been playing, but since they’re going on a summer break, they wanted to talk about the games they will be playing.
Squidge’s Games
Considering that he had been without an Xbox console for so long, Squidge was super happy to have a working one again. Which meant that his first set of games are for that console, including:
- Rumble Roses XX
Jay’s Games
- Final Fantasy VII
psst. Jay, it’s the Tiny Bronco
And while discussing FF VII, Squidge brings up a story from the previous episode (with Anthony from Capes on the Couch)
which you can listen to here
What Do Until Come Back, Waffling Taylors?
Explaining a little more about the summer break, Jay said:
So, with regard to the show, we said earlier on, there’s going to be no new episodes until our summer vacation has ended. We’re only taking two weeks off, but we’re also not releasing anything until after the end of August.
We’re potentially not releasing any new episodes until September 15, so don’t unsubscribe. We do actually have episodes coming, just we want to take some time off and we like to be ahead of time with shows. So we’re going to take a few weeks to actually produce some stuff ready to be released.
And we may or may not - its depends on the fickle whims of me and my silly ideas - be doing something special for, like, a couple of weeks after that. I will leave it as an exercise to the listener to figure out why there might be something special about that next week, but we’re not going to give any more hints than that.
Cryptic hints are cryptic, no?
Also, due to his weird (read “broken”) numbering system there are actually 211 episodes of the show.
I’ll get something out the way now because I didn’t do it before your numbering system, when we put stuff out, I’m actually really pissed off. I didn’t do a particular joke when we got to a particular number, so I’ll just do it now.
Episode 169: nice.
So Jay and Squidge wanted to suggest some episodes for you to check out:
- Squidge recommended the WT Lite episodes
- Jay recommended the entire WT Goes to the Movies series
- Jay also recommends both of the following Dev Interviews:
The lads also wanted to shout out to other podcast creators that you might like, too:
- Nomad’s Retro Wildlands podcast
you can catch his latest appearance on the show here
- Capes on the Couch features our friend Anthony
you can catch his latest appearance on the show here
- G to the Next Level is one of the most wholesome video game streamers out there
you can catch his latest appearance on the show here
External Links of Interest
- Join our Discord server and be part of future episodes
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- Our recommended episodes:
- Fellow content creators you should check out:
- Nomad’s Retro Wildlands podcast
- Capes on the Couch features our friend Anthony
- G to the Next Level is one of the most wholesome video game streamers out there
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Massive Scratch - Eight Bit/Chiptune
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Like You — Declan DP
- Secret To Happiness — JayJen
- Back to 1981 — Iaio
- Hot Summer Party — MaikonMusic
- Freedom – Roa
- Wild Summer — WOMA
- Happy – Mike Leite
- 3 Hours Later… _ SpongeBob Time Card #143
- Resident Evil 2 Remake OST - Mr.X (T-103) Theme © - CAPCOM
- Outro Music is Massive Scratch - Eight Bit/Chiptune