Waffling Taylors Goes To The Movies
Don’t forget to check out the other episodes in the series. Make sure to click here to see which movies we’ve already covered - we’re sure that you’ll love what you have to say.
Featured Image
We’d like to thank the amazing yurricanes for working with us to create the featured image for this episode. I think you’ll agree that it’s an amazing piece of art, and you should definitely check out their workPlayers
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Content Warning
Due to the nature of the movie we talk about in this episode, we’d recommend that you don’t listen to this one with little ones around.
Please listen responsibly
Show Notes
We have another video game movie discussion episode this week, as we tackle the 2004 train-wreck that is Resident Evil Apocalypse. Unlike when we talked about the first Resident Evil movie
we knew that we’d need help in discussing this movie. Luckily AndrewD had some time off between his podcasts, radio show
did you know that the DreamCast Years podcast has joined RadioSega?
and his Dreamcast Years Two book project, and wanted to discuss the second Resident Evil movie with us.
Side note: Yes, Jay is going to keep the “only good video game movie” title a secret until we’ve covered the majority of the movies on our list.
As with, pretty much, every episode we’ve put out so far this year, this one was recorded a little in advance
in fact it was actually recorded before the episode on the first Resident Evil movie went out

I know that I bleat on about this a lot, but we really do record these shows way in advance (click to enlarge)
What’s great about this show is that we often get updates on Squidgey’s life goals:
My foot hasn’t fallen off, so I take that as a win
And, to be fair, there’s not much you can say to that really.
Thoughts Going In
Squidge immediately came up with a better name for the movie:
Resident Evil Chocapocalypse
which, we can all agree, would be a better movie. Andrew mentions:
Do you remember those little Cadbury’s machines you used to get at Christmas, that had the little, tiny things of Cadbury’s chocolate, and you’d put 2p in and it would spit them out?
What’s he’s referring to is one of these:

Finding a high quality photo of one of these was a trip down memory lane (click to enlarge)
For each 10p piece you put into this, it would dispense a small piece of Cadbury’s chocolate. That is, if you had loaded the pieces of chocolate into the machine beforehand
which was the ONLY flaw in this device’s design
Imagine being peppered with chocolates while watching a movie. Wouldn’t that be great?
Anyway, so Resident Evil Apocalypse came out in 2004, and Jay hadn’t seen it since it came out. But before we dove into the sequel, we talked about the George A. Romero script
here’s a direct link to it
which was commissioned but never produced. Reading through it, you get a feeling that Romero had played the original game and had a handle on the story and characters.
The three of us felt that the fact that the previous film had so little to do with the franchise meant that Paul W. S. Anderson was forced to put as many references to the series into his sequel as possible. And clearly, he hated having to have Mary Sue Alice alongside Jill Valentine in this film.
The Plot - Part One
Here’s a 10,000 ft view of the “plot”, as we see it
- Flashbacks to set up the backstory
Mansion that’s not really a mansion, "Nemesis", the dead walk the Earth, and the paper kimono
- Is it Matt or Max?
the credits list the character as Matt, Squidge is convinced that Alice shouts "MAAA"
shooty shooty, gun gun. Lots of punchy zombie
pretty much sums of the direction of the movie
- “2 Weeks earlier”, opening the hive, and portable CD players

Early bit of violence from the paperboy (click to enlarge)
cycle-by clothesline

They’re all around us, man (click to enlarge)
- Dr. Ashford loses his daughter, because his car is hit, but she’s alive
- Jill “Bad-Ass” Valentine murders a bunch of people in the middle of a police station, and no one bats an eyelid
it’s how bad-assing work’s, right?

Jill doesn’t care about you. Also, nice STARS reference (click to enlarge)
- Captain Switzerland is sent by Umbrella to run the mop-up operation
- Running up several flights of stairs in heels
- Carlos saves the day… or not

Carlos looking a little more like Chris Redfield here (click to enlarge)
- Leg fu for the win
- Bluetooth earpieces
- Totally not the Berlin Wall
which was constructed very quickly
- Surplus and more!
but why not Kendo’s?
- Dr. Ashford has frowny-face glasses, but hacks the system
- Recreating the intro from Resident Evil 3

RESIDENT EVIL 3 (click to enlarge)
-Activating Nemesis through science and gratuitous bar charts

I have no idea what’s happening, but clearly science is going on (click to enlarge)
- Help me, Alice Kenobi. You’re my only hope
- AndrewD recommends Chernobyl
that’s not part of the plot, just a recommendation from Andrew
- Fighting in a graveyard

Wait! What’s with the gap in the wall? Far right of the Image (click to enlarge)
- Entering the church
- That person I know… maybe they’re not a zombie
They’re in a church, right? Why didn’t they just grab a holy hand grenade?
- Jill’s badassery makes her forget her training
- An action scene which Jay describes as:
Alice dealing with the lickers is so far over the top, it’s practically in lower orbit
- Leg fu saves the day, and donkey kicks for the win

Awkward shot is awkward (click to enlarge)
seriously, could they have used that whip sound any more in this scene?
Join Us Next Time
And that’s all we had time for in part one. Keep and eye open for part two, where we cover the rest of the film and talk about how we rate it.
External Links of Interest
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
- Resident Evil Apocalypse on IMDB
- Dreamcast Years on RadioSega Announcement
- George A. Romero script at the Resident Evil Wiki
- Chernobyl on IMDB
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Among The Stars, from the Cosmos Music Pack by Muz Station Productions
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Opening: Claire Version © Capcom/Takeshi Miura, Hijiri Anze, and Sanae Kasahara
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)