Waffling Taylors Goes To The Movies
Don’t forget to check out the other episodes in the series. Make sure to click here to see which movies we’ve already covered - we’re sure that you’ll love what you have to say.
Featured Image
We’d like to thank the amazing yurricanes for working with us to create the featured image for this episode. I think you’ll agree that it’s an amazing piece of art, and you should definitely check out their workPlayers
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Content Warning
At 5:05, I make a comment which takes us down a path of discussing Final Destination-style deaths.
At 9 minutes in, we discuss the fact that M. Bison was a drug lord before he became a dictator.
Please listen responsibly
Show Notes
We absolutely wanted our December episodes to be about video game movies. The nights are drawing nearer, and staying in watching movies sounds like a great idea. So why not watch a bunch of stupid movie adaptations of video games?
Exactly. We couldn’t think of a reason not to do this either
we actually recorded this back in July, to be fair
And we wanted to draft in some help for this movie. Because there’s only some much Jean Claude Van Damme that any rational person can take
not that we’re entirely rational, you understand
so we drafted in Z-Boi (aka Zacker the Hacker) so that we could take on the 1994 Blockbuster that was Street Fighter The Movie.
Continuing on from our episodes on the Double Dragon and Street Fighter movies, we wanted to give this movie the Waffling Taylors treatment, but with a twist.
I’ve never been called a twist before
Thoughts Going In
At the time of recording
we recorded this episode a few days ahead of the Street Fighter one, you know
we’d only covered movies from 1994, and that it was “good year” for video game movies.
All of these movies that were clearly written in the ‘80s, and not produced until the ‘90s
Z-Boi reminds us that 1994 was a great time for playing games at the arcades. Remember arcades? We certainly do. It seems as though, outside of a few niche places in the UK and the US, Japan is the place to be when it comes to playing arcade games in an actual arcade.
check out the show notes for my Japan Diaries episode for some photos from a real arcade in Nagasaki
Because Z-Boi asked, these are the movies that we’ve recorded episodes for (at the time of writing these show notes - in October, 2020):
Oof! Spicy!
- This episode
- Super Mario Bros.
watch this space, as that one will be out next week - at the time of release
There are a few other movie episodes recorded and ready to go, but we’re keeping them under wraps for now.
The Plot
M. Bison played by Raul Julia in the most Raul Julia roll ever
and I stand by that comment.
- M. Bison wants to take over the world
- He takes a bunch of hostages and challenges Guile to rescue them
- He uses science TM to transform Guile’s best friend into a monster
- Ryu & Ken are smuggling toy guns?
Haha! You think you got me, but you don’t ‘cos I got this! How do you like the taste of fist sandwich, or whatever
- Chun-Li is a reporter, and E. Honda and Balrog are her tech team
- She’s also some kind of ninja
- Guile is killed, but not killed
- Chun-Li’s amazing throw
- Ryu & Ken arrive on M. Bison’s island
- “Quick! Change the channel” - Zangief
Best non-Raul Julia line in the movie
- The guy with a towel and a guy

Theories in the comments, please (click to enlarge)
- The best line in cinema history
But for me, it was Tuesday
- Guile give a rousing speech
- There’s a lady running about, holding a shoe

Seriously, what’s this about? (click to enlarge)
- Night-Boat attacks M. Bison’s facility
- Guile leaps straight to trying to kill his bestie
- A stunt that goes wrong
- Ryu finds a reason to fight
- Blink and you miss it Hadouken
- Thousand hand slap
- M. Bison flies
- Guile beats M. Bison
- They escape in the nick of time
- The cosplay freeze-frame shot

Cosplayers at a con, or a shot from the movie? (click to enlarge)
After Thoughts
Z-Boi’s comment captures my feelings on this movie:
I think all of this was well intentioned, but implemented poorly.
How Would You Rate It?
We don’t usually rate games or movies, in fact we have never done that. And this was a conscious decision that we made early in the life of the site
we discussed this with Chief on one of his early episodes
But we needed to figure out a way to tell you all whether we think you should watch this movie or not. In order to do this, we decided that we’d need three ratings for three categories.
The ratings are:
- Love it (best)
- Try it
- Fling it into a tree (worst)
And the categories are:
- As a generic movie
- As an action movie
- As a Street Fighter the video game movie
Z-Boi’s Ratings
Category | Rating |
As an generic movie | Fling it into a tree (and nuke it from orbit) |
As an action movie | Try it |
As a video game movie | Try it |
Squidge’s Ratings
Category | Rating |
As an generic movie | Try it |
As an action movie | Try it |
As a video game movie | Fling it into a tree |
Jay’s Ratings
Category | Rating |
As an generic movie | Try it |
As an action movie | Fling it into a tree |
As a video game movie | Try it |
External Links of Interest
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
- Z-Boi on Twitter
- Tabs & Spaces
- Z-Boi’s Samurai Cat Vim videos
- Street Fighter on IMDB
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Among The Stars, from the Cosmos Music Pack by Muz Station Productions
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Guile (U.S.A) by Isao Abe & Yoko Shimomura; © Capcom
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)