Featured Image
First of all, we’d like to thank the amazing yurricanes for working with us to create the featured image for this episode. I think you’ll agree that it’s an amazing piece of art, and you should definitely check out their workPlayers
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Content Warning
At 8 minutes, we start a conversation about how exposure to Mako energy greatly reduces a character’s life, and explicitly use the words:
- death
- die
AT 24:35, Lulu says:
weird pissing contest
At 39:49 Lulu uses a euphemism which might end up being embarrassing to explain to little ones when she says:
Jessie… who’s a little bit thirsty with Cloud
Please listen responsibly
Show Notes
We’re back with the second part of our conversation on the Final Fantasy VII Remake
second?! Click here for the first part
and what a discussion it was.
Obviously spoilers abound in this episode: so
For those who don’t remember: Squidge, Lulu, and I have completely different EXP levels with this game. Here’s a handy-dandy table which shows how much each of us has played so far:
Player | Level | Designation |
![]() | Level 9000!!! | Grand High Priestess |
![]() | Level 25 | Black Mage in training |
![]() | Level -1,000,000 | Wally of the 5th degree |
why are you at level -1,000,000 Jay?
I hear you cry. Essentially because I don’t have a modern PlayStation, that’s why.
Things We Liked
Squidge talks about that Moogle slide

you know the one (click to enlarge)
and Lulu agrees. Plus the conversation that Cloud and Aerith have in this scene is a lot more touching than in the original
or so I’ve been told - I haven’t played it, remember
to the point where it really improved on Aerith’s character and backstory - making her a much more fleshed out, 3D character.
We also discuss the fact that a lot of things which were hinted at in the original are a little more obvious this time around.

was this Zak? (click to enlarge)
This was a great decision for two reasons:
- There are some folks who wont have the time or ability to explore all of the side quests in order to find these things out
- There are folks (like Squidge, Lulu, and myself) who played the original and want more things to see, people to talk to, and stuff to do
I also talk about this:
which was Square’s first go at creating a 3D JRPG line dance fighting system for the N64. For those who don’t recognise them, these are some of the characters from Final Fantasy VI. Square was looking at the possibility of up-scaling and re-releasing the SNES title for the N64, before dropping that idea to work on VII.
Then Squidge drops this bomb
Like I said before… Final Fantasy VII Remake isn’t a remake, to me it’s a re-telling
We then talk about the expanded lore regarding Mako, Materia, monsters, and SOLDIER; during which Lulu drops this quote:
You traded a normal life for power, you cannot have it both ways.
I mean, daayyyyyyyum!
Lulu then drops a real SPOILER bomb!
well, a spoiler for folks who have never played the original
And we discuss the difference between those who have and those who have not - but who is who?
Our Hopes, Going Forward
Squidge really wants to play as frog Cloud again.

This guy is cute as a button
And I point out that, in the original you visit Gold Saucer and have fight a bunch of baddies as Frog Cloud. So it’s not outside the realms of possibility.
Squidge then follows this up with
How very dare you! How dare you make me feel for these characers!
At the time of recording, Squidge was just about to start a point in the game where he would have to try and save everyone from the Sector 7 plate collapsing.
More character development for Barret, please. Seriously, the interactions between him and Marlene are super sweet
I’m told - one of these days, I’ll get a PlayStation 4
or I could just wait until it comes out for the Switch
or I could wait until the Lockdown is over and play Squidge’s copy
even though there are slivers of character development throughout, we never really see Barret grow in part one of the remake. So here’s hoping that SquEnix make a good try of it.
The only waifu you need: and that’s Tifa
I’m not even going to try and explain that one. It speaks for itself. And perfectly encompasses the thoughts and feelings of both Squidge and Lulu about Tifa, I think.
Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie
One of the many things that Squidge and Lulu agree on is that Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie are amazing. It’s great to hear that they are used a little more in the remake. And Squidge’s retelling of Wedge’s place in a specific mission for Jessie really made me want to play the remake - just for that section. Also, it sounds like AVALANCHE are more than just a 6 person outfit - which is how it always came across in the original.

talk about a dream team of support characters (click to enlarge)
Even with Jessie’s almost constant teasing and fnar-fnar‘ing at Cloud’s expense - although her goal was entirely just to open him up.
Both Squidge and Lulu ask “HOW VERY DARE YOU?” when talking about what happens with both Jessie and Aerith
Wrapping Up
Squidge is really looking forward to more of Final Fantasy VII, and Lulu reckons that we three should meet again
unintentional Scottish Play?
but really wants to know how Square-Enix are going to handle the rest of the story, split the game up, and meet Vincent.
The problem with coming back and doing another episode is that I’ll have to either:
- wait until it comes out on something other than PS4
- which will be about a year from now
- or head over to Squidge’s house, camp out there, and demand that he let’s me play it on his PS4
What are your thoughts on the Final Fantasy VII Remake? Get in touch with us about it
the usually places are Twitter and Facebook
but we also have a brand new contact page - check it out
we’d love to know what you thought about it.
External Links of Interest
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
- Wall Market
- Gold Saucer
- fnar-fnar
- Lulu’s Twitter
- Lulu’s Twitch Channel
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Among The Stars, from the Cosmos Music Pack by Muz Station Productions
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)