Featured Image
First of all, we’d like to thank the amazing yurricanes for working with us to create the featured image for this episode. I think you’ll agree that it’s an amazing piece of art, and you should definitely check out their work.Players
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Content Warning
At 20:30, Squidge says:
Let’s cut the crap and get to the space battles
At 32:25, Squidge also says:
That’s a really crap jingle, isn’t it?
Show Notes
We start with a wonderful piece of production work by Squidge. I was given a script, a character, direction, and a backstory. I really like what Squidge created from it. Oh, and Unaffiliated JZ is back again. You’ll remember him, I’m sure. He was a whole bunch of other episodes and is a really great person.
And suddenly, Squidge lets out one heck of a fantastic burp. Followed by another one.
I blow Squidge’s mind by introducing him to the PBB&J: Peanut butter, bananas and jam/jelly sandwich. Which JZ calls “The Elvis” - although the true Elvis is a PBBB&J: Peanut Butter, Bananas, Jam/Jelly, and Bacon.
I then drop a reference that JZ wouldn’t get, by referencing Bananarama, shortly before we ended up being trapped in a skit from The Muppets.
Unaffiliated JZ
I came here to talk about video games and waffle, and I’m all out of video games
Squidge also mentions that I have a ReMarkable tablet, which I use to make notes on whilst we’re recording the episode, and here is a sample of those notes:

check out these show notes
which is followed by me dropping a super old reference based on this video:
warning: contains one swear
which comes from a classic Loading Ready Run video.
JZ and Squidge begin our video game talk proper with a discussion on Borderlands 3, and how playing through the unskippable intro/tutorial get’s old as soon as you’ve done it the first time. We also talk about annoyance at the way that the console versions of the game handle updates, and JZ mentions that to get one of the unlockables is to play through the Halloween event 25 times
which seems like a lot to me
A quick wave of nostalgia hits as we talk about third party NES controllers and how they always seemed to have turbo and slow buttons, and I bring up the NES Advantage Stick

NES Advantage on the left, Max Controller on the right
JZ then laments us with the tedium of having to keep playing Two Point Hospital after it starts to get hectic, which gives me the idea for a machine learning
because that’s one of the technology du jour
add on which takes how you have been playing, and try to continue on as you. But what we really want is for it to detect that you have Plague Inc. installed and set it in the same universe.
JZ then tells us about how he has been buying fewer and fewer Steam games, essentially because… well, he has them all, already. And Squidge tells us about his laptop woes. We also help Squidge to decide on whether to buy a whole new PC and a bunch of peripherals or buy Christmas gifts for friends and family.
Squidge then talks about the possibility of him live streaming some games on his new PC, when it arrives:
Due to the recent changes at Twitter, we are unable to embed tweets at this time. We apologise for the inconvenience.
and we disucss the first game that he will install and play on his new PC. Squidge then gives me an idea for a brand new video game for the Switch based on a combination of both Chicken and elastic bands.
The only way to win, is not to play
Which prompts a discussion about just what the heck Ring Fit Adventure actually is; and it’s during that discussion when we came up with the title of the episode. And I come up with a “great idea” TM on how to cheat your way to winning at Ring Fit Adventure, whilst at the gym. Also the name makes me think of Sadako from the Ring series of movies, TV shows, books, and video games
those who have read the series of books by Koji Suzuki will know how weird it is that she has penetrated popular culture at such a high level
The discussion on Squidge’s new PC takes a turn into a discussion on whether Squidge will be getting some of the big AAA titles during Primary Gifting Period; and Squidge brings this back up:
Due to the recent changes at Twitter, we are unable to embed tweets at this time. We apologise for the inconvenience.
whilst we talk through some of our experiences of EGX.
Squidge drops the bomb that buying, playing, and completing Luigi’s Mansion 3 can wait; but the new Pokémon games cannot. Both Squidge and UJZ are in agreement that the new Pokémon games are essential purchases, and that it’s entirely possible that they will both buy Sword AND Shield:
What kind of a maniac just gets one!?
Squidge then drops the bomb that he’ll choose easy mode for his first play through:
- Easy mode = grass
- Normal mode = water
- Hard mode = fire
Can also we please take a moment to talk about just how cute Grookey is?

super cute, right?
JZ and Squidge talk about how it’s an afront to them when they have to take damage during the majority of the Pokémon games. We then talk about the levelling system in Pokémon - essentially, I want to know whether enemies in the Pokémon games level up with you (ala Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest), or whether they are locked. And JZ talks to us about his Timer Balls, and Squidge tells us about a Pokémon hack which includes characters from the Dragon Ball Z universe.
We then talk about ways that we could potentially Nuzlocke the first Dead Rising game for Squidge’s first live stream, to which Squidge responds with a very clear:
Because of the terrible AI controlling the survivors that you rescue. And we discuss which game in the Dead Rising series we prefer the most, and why most folks I know would choose a shopping centre/mall to hide in. And JZ never knew that the UK boxart for the OG Dead Rising game has this on it:

click embiggen
which reads:
This game was not developed, approved or licensed by the creators of George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead
Then JZ changes the subject slightly by bringing up They Are Billions, which sounds like a zombie survival, base building, RTS game… which we might have to try out.
Unaffiliated JZs Games
- Borderlands 3
- Two Point Hospital
External Links of Interest
- All of Unaffiliated JZ’s appearances
- The Evils sandwich
- Bananarama
- Loading Ready Run
- Coding Blocks
- Timer Balls
- Nuzlocke challenges
- JZ on Twitter
- Jay & Jay Media
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Behind the Lines by Ian Sutherland
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)