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Content Warning
At the very top of the show, I use the phrase:
roll the damn music!
At 29:02, I use the phrase:
absolute bloody legend
Show Notes
Day three of EGX was amazing! Easily one of the best days of the entire event.
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To start with, whilst I was playing the worst version of The Queuing Simulator ever, Squidge decided to leg-it back to the hotel in order to get his passport. Why you ask? Because the passport was required for this:
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That’s right, Squidge got inked
he refers to it as being perforated
by the wonderfully awesome Tori Robinson. We’d both recommend getting inked by Tori, if she is at a convention near you.
Shortly before Squidge got inked, I was standing in the queue to try out the Final Fantasy VIII Remake. I was in the queue for about an hour, and took roughly 3 or 4 steps forward - it was a very popular game. If I’m honest, I don’t think that it was very well managed.
Then again, this happened:
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After I gave up on queuing for something which was never going to happen, we met up with The B, Becski, and Simon.

Left to right: The B, Beckski, Squidge, Me
We ended up playing a card game that I can’t correctly recall the name of. It was fun, but very stupid
my favourite kind of game, really
And shortly after that, we met up with some of the Arcade Attack crew, and took a wander over to see the new Deathtrap Dungeon game. Then suddenly:
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Thanks to Adrian from Arcade Attack for introducing us to Stoo Cambridge.
And it was shortly after that, that Squidge went to get perforated, and here is his tattoo:
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Whilst Squidge was getting inked though, the Arcade Attack dudes and I went and played some retro games. Including a version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade Game) game which had a slight fault with it - no one could play as Donnie.
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I then tried out Beyond a Steel Sky - the upcoming sequel to Beneath a Steel Sky - I’d recommend playing both, if you are into cyberpunk or point and click adventures.
Also, this happened:
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Adventure in Aellion
But before all of that, Luke form the Adventure in Aellion development team was gracious enough to give me a little of their time to discuss their upcoming game. And what a gorgeous game it is:

working on a puzzle

battle commences

what a view
I’d recommend clicking through to each of those images and seeing them in their full-resolution glory
they’ll all open in new tabs
Having played the game a few times before interviewing Luke, I can say that it’s a lot of fun to play and is beautiful to look at. Plus, almost unlimited multiplayer dungeon crawling WITHOUT the headache of organising servers sounds like a load of fun to me.
I can honestly recommend trying this game out when it shows up on Steam Early Access - some time in February or March time. It really is a lot of fun
and they’re talking about it being proper cross platform
and I can’t wait to hear just how many people can play concurrently. I can oly imagine how cool it would be to watch those streamers that Luke mentioned simultaneously, across multiple twitch/mixer/etc. channels at the same time. Definitely keep an eye on this game, folks - especially if you’re a fan of games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but wish that it had multiplayer. In fact, one of Luke’s colleagues actually described it as:
Multiplayer Zelda Breath of the Wild
I did get a little of an inside scoop on just how well the Switch plays this game, too
but was asked to leave it out of the pod - as it’s an extremely early build
You’ll have to wait until it’s released to see just how amazingly well it plays on the Switch.
I’m going to see if we can re-connect with the development team, once the expo and convention circuit has ended, and see if we can get them on the show. I’d love to learn a lot more about the inspiration of the game, and
even just for my own curiosity
how they went about making it.
Many thanks to both Jon and Lucy from Game If You Are for helping to set up the interviews with Craig (of Kung Fu Jesus) and Luke.
External Links of Interest
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
- Ink Fusion Empire
- Tori Robinson’s Instagram
- Tori’s Facebook
- Arcade Attack
- Branching Narrative
- Beneath a Steel Sky on GoG
- Adventure in Aellion
- Game If You Are
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Behind the Lines by Ian Sutherland
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)