Featured Image
First of all, we’d like to thank the amazing yurricanes for working with us to create the featured image for this episode. I think you’ll agree that it’s an amazing piece of art, and you should definitely check out their work.Players
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Show Notes
This week we have a slight departure from the norm
although what we consider
as not only is Chief back with us, but we let him take the lead in picking the conversation topic: RTS games.
RTS and RTT games
Real Time Strategy and Real Time Tactics, respectively
are something that Chief is an expert on, so it seemed only natural to have him discuss them on the show. It’s his first time back on the show in a long time
psst. click on his image in the
in fact, the last episode that he was on was “Some Qs and Some As” back in March of this year. But the last time that he was the only guest
we had multiple guests on Some Qs and Some As
was back in June of 2018, in “Time Cast Pod Machine Part Three”
Before we get onto the topic at hand, I make a point of showing off the new website design to Chief. It really is a fantastic design, right? Let us know what you think of it in the comments
But before we could talk about RTS and RTT games, we needed to find out which games Chief (and indeed Squidge) had been playing recently. Because one of Chief’s recent games was Pro Evolution Soccer, I wanted to know what the difference between it and the FIFA games was.
FIFA has the licenses, but PES has the gameplay. Well, that’s my feeling anyway
Which leads us into a discussion on how it’s an accepted thing that football players not only take dives, but they make them more theatrical than the average John Woo movie. We also discuss the proper etiquette for eating cake, and how it’s meant to be eaten with a fork
some say that I’m a little too passionate about how to correctly eat cake
I say that I’m not passionate enough
Then Chief tells us about how he introduced his niece to Persona 5, and has nearly finished it before he has had the chance to finish it. Then again, he makes a point of playing on the hardest difficulty setting.
It’s over to me next, and it seems that I’ve just been playing the one game this month: Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - specifically the “Raid” mode.
Then Squidge laments that he hasn’t got much time in the coming month to play new games like Borderlands 3 before we head to EGX in October this year.
Quick side bar on that: as we mentioned last time, we’re planning on creating some content during EGX. This may take the form of episodes of the pod, or it might be blog posts, or both. We haven’t decided yet. Either way, we’ll keep you posted. Check our Twitter and Facebook for the most up too date info on that.
We’ll also have swag to give away at EGX, so seek us out if you’re going to be attending, and you could get free stuff.
Real Time Strategy & Tactics Games
After the catchup session, we handed the reins over to Chief and he decided to talk to us about RTS games - a genre whose golden age has long since passed.
We start with a discussion of how the early Dune games (especially Dune 2) came out before the drag box
click and drag to select a number of units
as such, you had to issue commands to individual units.
I interject with a controversial question:
Are the likes of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fornight RTS adjacent?
Then Chief brings up the original Command & Conquer game, to which I relate a story about how whenever I’m writing software and I have to interrupt the compilation process, I hear the
Unable to comply, building in progress
line in my head. It also then leads to a discussion around this wonderful XKCD comic:

Click for source
We then discuss the live action segments - especially the ones from Red Alert ow-nards
including such amazing stars as Ric Flair
which may or may not be a tease for an upcoming blog post
And Squidge then comes up with quite possibly the greatest video game challenge ever:
We have to jerry rig something where you have to play Command & Conquer [for Playstation] with a dance mat
We also bring up the topic of Westwood Studios - the OG creators oof many of the best RTS games - disappearing from the gaming industry shortly after EA bought them, which also brought about the end of the golden age of the RTS game.
This is a topic which Arcade Attack brought up on a recent episode
here’s a link directly to that episode
I’d recommend that anyone who wants to learn more about the collapse of Westwood Studios gives that episode a listen.
Chief’s Recent Games
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2020
- Persona 5
Squidge’s Recent Games
- Final Fantasy VII
- Torchlight 2
- Ace Attorney (series)
- River City Girls
- Diablo III
Jay’s Recent Games
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2
External Links of Interest
- Jay & Jay Media
- Jay & Jay on Ko-Fi
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
- Jaffa Cakes on Wikipedia
- What the hell happened to EA? - Arcade Attack
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Behind the Lines by Ian Sutherland
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)
Games Covered
We mentioned 29 games in this podcast. In the following order, those games where:- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2020
- FIFA (series)
- Persona 5
- Persona 4
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2
- Final Fantasy VII
- Torchlight 2
- Ace Attorney (series)
- River City Girls
- River City Ransom
- Diablo III
- Borderlands 3
- Streets of Rage 4
- Dune 2
- Warcraft (series)
- Command & Conquer (series)
- Star Craft (series)
- Fortnite
- PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
- Doom (series)
- The Settlers (series)
- Age of Empires (series)
- Dark Souls (series)
- Guitar Hero (series)
- Donkey Konga
- Monty Python (series)
- World of Warcraft
- The Sims (series)