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Content Warning
Whilst not as sweary as the previous episode, we do have an early fart
that I kept in for comedic reasons
and a few swears peppered throughout the episode. All of the swears have been bleeped, but it’ll be worth listening through this one to make sure that you’re OK with little ones hearing it
I’m working on making it less sweary, honest
Before We Begin
I’m working on a project called #helloSquidgy, and need as many listeners and contributors to send in recordings of them saying:
Hello Squidgey
before December 27th, 2018.
Another thing to point out is that during the edit phase, I had to occasionally rip out certain frequencies
the mics we use pick up everything, including the sound of the central heating
otherwise you’d be unable to hear what we’re actually saying. That’s why there are parts that suddenly have no lower frequencies.
One final thing: remember to stick around to the very end of the episode for a wonderful stinger from The B
almost every episode has a stinger, make sure to go back and listen to them all
Things start off with a bang
kind of
as we find out that Squidgey is trapped in the corner.
Who else is with us? Why it’s G and The B. Or as Squidgey points out: “G #dontCallMeAudrey”
We jump straight into what I’ve been playing, and it’s something that Squidgey likes to call “Asian Genocide Simulator”
to be fair, he got that name from Chief Problems
Which leads to Squidgey and G pointing out my hypocrisy, since all of the games in the the entire Warriors Orochi series essentially the same story to them
which I explain in my usual, eloquent manner
But it’s ok, because that’s about Asian culture, and that’s the one thing I’m interested in that’s not programming
G explains, using a pretty bad impersonation of me.
And… I mean… But you have to
… Ok, he’s right.
But then I turn that around and make it into an excuse to teach you a little about the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history and the Kamakura to Sengoku periods of Japanese history. I’d recommend both the History of Japan and Samurai podcasts, if you want to learn more
check the External Links section
Which naturally leads us to a discussion about stapling bread to a tree
talk about a segway – and this totally happened
He’s a bit of a silent reader of Reddit, you see and recently found a subreddit all about stapling bread to trees
check the External Links section
And it turns out that Squidgey has been playing Warriors Orochi 4, which sounds like it has the strangest storyline ever.
It turns out that Squidgey has recently had to buy a new PS4 because his old one broke. Which is one of the reasons why he has Warriors Orochi on both Xbox One and PS4. The other being that he pre-ordered it on Xbox One and got all of the bonus features.
Squidgey tries to talk us through Warriors Orochi 4’s story, but I’m still confused about it
and I’ve heard this episode about 5 times – due to how I edit it
Zeus and Odin get involved at one point.
Seriously, the story is so bonkers that I didn’t believe it. Which is why it doesn’t have a spoiler alert
Also, apparently I can’t say the word
But it does mean that I get to talk about why Sanada Yukimura is the greatest character in video games
and based on a real person, too
and how in real life he was an absolute boss.
Also, I foolishly call Sanada’s Ten Braves “the Sanada Nine People”
which is silly of me
you’d think that I should know a thing or two about this kind of stuff.
Then suddenly both Diablo3 and the Nintendo Switch make another appearance. I’ve been wondering whether I should rename the podcast to the Diablo III and Nintendo Switch Podcast… granted the title isn’t as catchy as The Waffling Taylors Podcast, but still
if you have a more catchy title, tell us on Twitter or Facebook
Don’t worry dear listeners, even though Squidgey’s PS4 died, his character with the wings is still around

A screenshot from the PC game: Diablo III showing Squidgey's character
Then everyone makes fun of how I talk.
Diablo III for
But then we have the great British Switch Off
which sounds like I’m shutting something down
essentially, I want all of the listeners to get in contact with us (Twitter or Facebook will do) and tell us just how many times each of us talked about the Nintendo Switch in this episode and the previous one
here’s a link to the previous episode
Which leads us into a conversation about the wonderful Lego series of games from Traveller’s Tales, and we get confused as to which one was the first Lego game that was a talkie. We settle on it being Lego Batman 2, but I’m still not sure.
We then talk about Lego DC Super Villains, and how it looks like a kiddy version of Suicide Squad to me and launches me into a tirade about that train wreck of a movie, and we find out just much I missed the point with Harley Quinn’s character – as presented in all of the DC properties.
To which G, The B and Squidgey school me on the DC universe and characters within it
seriously, I totally got Harley Quinn wrong
And Squidgey then recommends a movie to us: Justice League – The Flash Point Paradox. From the sounds of things, it’s really rather good. Which brings us back to “With Great Power”
But The Be saves the day by bringing us back to a discussion about Sonic R that I then totally Bogart and use as an excuse to talk about why Sonic games don’t work in 3D
spoiler: it doesn’t work because it’s 3D
And finally we get to
Gaming Confessions
The B is up first and he tells us all about how it took until the release of the Resident Evil Remake, and how the first Resident Evil game that he completed was Deadly Silence
i.e. the Nintendo DS port of the first game in the series
Meaning that it took until around until 2007 for him to complete the first game, he hasn’t completed Resident Evil 2 or 4, but has finished a number of the others
sounds like him and Squidgey have a lot to catch up on
Next up is G, when he tells us precisely how many of the recent Bethesda role playing games (from Morrowind onwards) that he has completed
you’ll be shocked at how many he’s actually completed, folks
And that he didn’t even like … you’ll have to listen to find that one out.
And then
And then
He drops the wonderful saga of his friend coming around to his house to play Oblivion. You’ll definitely want to hear how G tells this one. It’s a doosy
and G really knows how to tell a story
Remember: #helloSquidgy
GaProgMan’s Recent Games
- Warriors Orochi 2
Squidgey’s Recent Games
- Warriors Orochi 4
- Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
- Borderlands 2
- Dark Chronicle
- Diablo III
And s a reminder from part one:
G’s Recent Games
- Destiny 2
- Epistory
- Aer: Memories of Old
- Strange Brigade
- Gesundheit!
The B’s Recent Games
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Super Mario Party
which is what The B referred to as the ‘B*$t#rd Cheating Friendship Destroyer’
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Spider-Man (2018)
Links of Interest
- Unaffiliated JZ’s Podcast Party
- G’s first episode with us
- The B’s first episode with us
- Grand Theft Horsey
External Links of Interest
- Issac Meyer creates the History of Japan podcast
- Samurai Podcast
- r/BreadStapledToTrees
it’s Reddit though, so proceed with caution
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Behind the Lines by Ian Sutherland
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)
Games Covered
We mentioned 30 games in this podcast. In the following order, those games where:- Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
- Borderlands 2
- Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
- Crysis
- Dark Chronicle
- Dead or Alive (series)
- Diablo III
- Fallout 3
- Fallout 4
- Fallout: New Vegas
- FIFA (series)
- Lego Batman 2 DC Heroes
- Lego DC Super Villains
- Lego Indiana Jones
- Lego Lord of the Rings
- Lego Star Wars
- Lego The Hobbit
- Metal Gear Solid (series)
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- Rage
- Resident Evil (Series)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Sonic R
- Sonic the Hedgehog (series)
- Soul Calibur (series)
- Team Sonic Racing
- The Witcher
- Warriors of Troy
- Warriors Orochi (series)