If you wish to support the Waffling Taylors, and the other shows in the network, you can over at However, supporting us is completely voluntary and not required at all.
Another way to support us is to shout out about us on social media or give us a rating on your podcatcher service of choice. The more people who listen to the show, the more shows we can do.
After Squidgy’s nuclear bomb drop from last week
if you haven’t heard it yet, then I’d recommend going back to figure out what we’re talking about
we go into our opinions on the upcoming Resident Evil 2 (2019) and the fan version which was DMCA’d out of existence.
We also discuss potential goals for our Patreon page
you’ve seen our Patreon page, right?
and only some of them are stupid.
Squidgy then talks JZ through his fears regarding the Resident Evil 2 board game, and what I may or may not do. Which involves calling out all of our previous guests, including the Arcade Attack crew.
and I really did text Squidgy telling him that he’d had a fantastic idea
Then we end up talking about Jaffa Cakes, which are these things:

These are Jaffa Cakes, which are actually a type of biscuit... which is also a kind of cookie
which, naturally, brings us round to the glory of the Jaffa Cake tax case. I know that it sounds boring, but it’s a super interesting case
check the external links section for more details
Which leads to a wonderful conversation about biscuits, biscuits and gravy, and cookies.
We then ask JZ about whether he has ever played a game which has made him quit out because of something that made him say:
because it was diabolically bad.
we asked G this during our Multiplayer Shenanigans episode
Which leads to a spoiler-ific discussion about Final Fantasy VII. Including stupid use of character names in the game, and just who Terry Crews could play in a live action Final Fantasy movie.
We completely forgot to ask Unaffiliated JZ’s unpopular gaming opinions, but we promise that we’ll ask him about them the next time that we have him on the show.
I really wish that I could have called one of the episodes: Suddenly Dickbutt, but I’m not sure any of the podcatching services would have served the episode.
check the external links section for a link to the video I sent to JZ about
As we’re preparing to end the episode, JZ tells us that he takes part in saying:
Unaffiliated JZ
Hello Squidgy
Remember: #helloSquidgy
Links of Interest
- Part One of JZ’s episode with us
- Part Two of JZ’s episode with us
- Our Patreon page
- Multiplayer Shenaigans
External Links of Interest
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- The Coding Blocks Podcast
- JZ on twitter
- Jaffa Cakes on Wikipedia
- Huang Gai
- Plimhole
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Behind the Lines by Ian Sutherland
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)