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Possible Swears
- Knackered
Whilst this word isn’t technically a swear, we wanted to point this one out as some folks might find it offensive. Suiidgy says this at 5 minutes and 56 seconds.
- …the hell with you
Suidgy says this when he’s describing the hardware issue with his PS4. This happens at 6 minutes and 16 seconds.
- Holy crap
Suidgy says this when lamenting that his fibre optic broadband isn’t as fast as it could be - this happens at 8 minutes and 3 seconds.
- Hoo roo
This is something that both Squidgy and myself say at around 11 minutes, whilst discussing an incredibly offensive weapon in Borderlands The Pre-Sequel. I have literally no idea whether this is offensive or not (as it’s Australian slang), so I’ve listed it here as a possible swear just to be safe.
- Bugger
Squidgy mentions this word at the 26:48 mark, when discussing the final, final, final, final boss on Streets of Rage 3. Not technically a swear word itself, but it can be offensive
and is different to the word "booger"
Show Notes
Unfortunately what we’d recorded for this month was lost when the app we use to edit our episodes crashed and took out a bunch of data on Jay’s laptop. So we’ve gotten together and made this episode as a sort of substitute.
although nothing we ever record will ever substitute for what we had recorded with Adrian and Dylan from Arcade Attack
In this episode, we talk a little about what happened to Jay’s laptop, what we talked about on our now lost episode, and we allude to Squidgy having had revealed something which now gets to remain a secret.
we even hatch a plan of just how Squidgy can deny ever releasing his secret to the world
Squidgy tells us about him having to upgrade to a PS4 Pro. This was due to a hardware failure in his OG PS4, which he got at release - so it lasted a long time, really. Which leads us down a path of discussing the design of the PS4 and how it looks a lot like the average landmine.
We also discuss this wonderful weapon from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

The 'Bloody Oath' from Borderlands. It's a very sweary gun and absolutely hilarious to use
We then talk about what is quite possibly the worst line in video gaming history. And no, we don’t mean:
Tales is going to crash … … … Aaaaagghh!
Or indeed Barry Burton’s mention of a jill Sandwich. What was the line? You’ll have to listen in order to find out.
We then talk about Dark Chronicle again
seriously, Squidgy loves this game
We also have a chat about the entire Kingdom Hearts series, and how there will be folks in the target audience, when the third game is released, who weren’t alive when the first two came out
or any of the hundred other games in the series, for that matter
which lead us to The Stanley Parable, via Strange Brigade
and it’s a credible link, folks
We then talk about the survival mode on Samurai Warriors
I’ve written about Samurai Warriors before
and my incredibly detailed description of architecture. And how excited we are about Warriors Orochii 4’s impending UK release. Which, naturally, leads us back to Streets of Rage.
I then talk about how I haven’t really been playing video games this month other than 0 A.D, which I absolutely love. Seriously, if you are into RTS games, and play them on PC, then please download this free game. It is amazing.
But I have been reading about video games. I’ve got a few recommendations in this month’s episode, and if you’re anything like me then you’ll want to read one of them - for sure. And we end up discussing a little about the history of video games - from the Penny Arcades, through the original Pinball machines, up to Space Invaders.
Which lead us on a discussion about George A Romero’s “of the Dead” series of movies
trust me, it’s a link which makes sense
and just what each one represents. Which takes us back to the Sega Saturn and the Naomi.
Eventually I shut up about the history of video games, and Squidgy introduces us to a new PSO challenge that he and Ike have cooked up.
It’s based on the idea of a Nuzlocke
which sounds painful to me
But essentially the rules are:
- Create a fresh character
- No shops
- No grinders
- No quests
- If a player dies, the equipped weapon and armour must be discarded unless revived by a Scape Doll
- If a player has no more equippable items in the inventory or bank: game over
- Player can only pick up the first weapon per floor, first armour per floor, and the first tech per floor - even if you can’t equip it
- Items that the player cannot equip (wrong class, under levelled) count as a pick up
- All healing items can be picked up
- Floors can be replayed for missed items
- Red items (photon drops) can be discarded in order to get a different item; but you must call the drop that you want before entering the floor
- Mags can be fed
- The only way to change your weapon is via a photon drop (red item) or by playing through Forest 1 on hard
Before we sign off, we both discuss our goals for the podcast in 2018 - there’s only two more months left of it, and we have some lofty goals. Can we achieve them? Only one way to find out.
Then Squidgy leaves us with a question for the community:
Can you define retro as a generation? For you, is ‘retro’ a specific console or generation?
Everyone’s definition is different and Squidgy and I really want to hear what you all think. Seriously, let us know in the comments, via twitter, on our Facebook page
lean out of the window an yell
It’ll be interesting to see where “retro” starts for different people. And this might become a common feature on future podcasts.
I bounce the question back at Squidgy with:
Does retro gaming include PC? And if so, which Operating System?
Well, does it? Listen in to find out.
Squidgy’s Recent Games
- Dark Chronicle
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel
- Strange Brigade
- Samurai Warriors 4-2
GaProgMan’s Recent Games
- 0 A.D
Links of Interest
External Links of Interest
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- 0 A.D
- Atari Age on Good Reads
- The Commodore Story on IMDB
- The interview I did for Podchaser
- List of sixth generation video game consoles
- List of seventh generation video game consoles
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Behind the Lines by Ian Sutherland
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)
Games Covered
We mentioned 48 games in this podcast. In the following order, those games where:- 0 A.D
- Age of Empires
- Age of Mythology
- Arslan Warriors
- Attack on Titan
- Battlefield (series)
- Beserk
- Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
- Borderlands (series)
- Call of Duty (series)
- Caesar
- Civilization VI
- Cleopatra
- Dark Chronicle
- Diablo (series)
- Dynasty Gundam
- Dynasty Warriors (series)
- Empire Earth (series)
- Fable III
- Fallout 4
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Fist of the North Star
- Gears of War (series)
- Hotel Mario
- Jade Empire
- Kingdom Hearts (series)
- Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green
- The Legend of Zelda (CDI)
- Mortal Kombat (series)
- Phantasy Star IV
- Phantasy Star Online
- Pharaoh
- Pokémon (Series)
- Resident Evil 2
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2
- Samurai Warriors 4-2
- Sega Rally
- Shenmue
- Strange Brigade
- Street Fighter (series)
- Streets of Rage (series)
- Super Meat Boy
- The House of the Dead
- The Stanley Parable
- Uncharted (series)
- Virtua Cop
- Warriors of Troy
- Warriors Orochi (series)