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Content Warning
There are a two swears in this episode. I’ll list them here so that you can avoid them if you want to
or if you have little ones listening along
- “Cheap bastard”
When we’re discussing Call of Duty Black Ops, B calls himself a cheap bastard.
- F-Bomb one
When B is talking about his November schedule, he drops an F-bomb (around the 1 hour 17 minute mark)
- F-Bomb two
When B is talking about Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!, he drops a second F-Bomb (around the 1 hour, 19 minute and 30 second mark)
Show Notes
We discuss what it would be like if the olympics took place at Brighton Pleasure Beach, and the possible range of British-specific sports which could be brought to the Brighton based olympics, some of which are:
- Olympic Queuing
- The Deep Fried Eating Challenge
see a link in the external links section for an explanation of this
- Donkey Races
We had B back on the podcast - Sqidgey had locked him in the dungeon for mentioning the Switch so much, the last time that he was on. We talk about E3, the Nintendo Switch (there’s a surprise), and how this summer has been re-assuringly quite for AAA titles (so far) which helps us to get through our collective backlog of games.
Sqidgey mentions his recent difficulties in playing battle royale-type multiplayer games - mainly revolving around communication issues between players. We also talk about how Squidgey, B and myself don’t play a lot of online multiplayer games; we play a lot of in-person (same console or LAN based) multiplayer games, though.
We also have a discussion about Mario Tennis Aces and how folks were complaining (at the time we recorded the podcast) that it’s not a tennis simulation, even though it’s not marketed as a tennis simulation. In fact none of the Mario series of video games are simulations - with the exception of Mario Paint.
We then have the revelation that I, apparently, played Bayonetta on easy mode (through my judicious use of the “mash the bloody buttons” tactic).
Squidgey talks to us about his newest purchase: A Picade kit
see a link in the external links
Which is essentially a Raspberry Pi Modelb 3B+, an 8 inch screen, an arcade stick, and kit to build a case around it which resembles an old-school arcade cabinet. It currently looks really cool, and Squidgey already has some plans for modifying it, but check out some of the photos he’s taken of it:

The side boards of the Picade laid bare

The open Picade case, with nothing installed

Wiring the control stick to the Picade main board

The underside of the Picade control stick

The main Picade board, laid bare

Wiring the Picade speaker to the main board

The Picade without the screen

The finished Picade
We then talk about the very few Resident Evil games that Squidgey HASN’T played:
- Resident Evil on the Gameboy Colour
- Resident Evil 2 on the Game.Com
- Resident Evil 2 on the Gameboy Advance
seriously, this is a thing. Check the external links of interest
We also discuss a recent homebrew system for the Nintendo Switch, and how it has a piracy warning and copy protection system. This leads us on to a discussion of how the Nintendo Switch’s protection system was originally cracked, and who usually finds these exploits
spoiler alert: it’s never the pirates who figure it out first
In this part alone, we almost beat our current total number of games mentioned in a single episode. This episode’s running total is 58 games, and our highest so far was 63 in 58 minutes
see the Links of Interest section for a link to that episode
Spoiler Break Music
We used an extra piece of music in this episode of the podcast (during the spoiler break). It’s an amazing, chilled out electronic track called “Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix)” by Foniqz. The full version of the song is available at BandCamp
there’s a link in the
B’s Recent Games
- Mario Tennis Aces
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
- Fortnite
Squidgey’s Recent Games
- Tekken 7
- Nier: Automata
GaProgMan’s Recent Games
- Metropolis Street Racer
- Shenmue
- Phantasy Star IV
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Links of Interest
- B’s previous episodes
- Chief’s most recent episodes
- G’s Episodes
- GPD XD - I Have The Power
- Our Phantasy Star Online Challenges page
External Links of Interest
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- B has been working on some articles for, recently
- The intro/ prolog track from Neir: Automatta (it’s called Alien Manifestiation)
- Picade
- Resident Evil 2 on the GameBoy Advance
- Terry Crews on building his custom Gaming PC
- EmulationStation
- RetroArch
- List of Video Game Consoles
- OpenRA - An open source implementation of the Command & Conquer Red Alert engine
- OpenAge - An open source implementation of the Age of Empires II engine
- iD Software’s GitHub repos
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Behind the Lines by Ian Sutherland
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- Outro Music is I N e e d Y o u 私の側て by G.H (removed from BandCamp)
Games Covered
We mentioned 57 games in this podcast. In the following order, those games where:- Age of Empires
- Age of Mythology
- Battle Arena Toshinden
- Battlefield (series)
- Bayonetta
- Bishi-Bashi Special
- Call of Duty (series)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
- Captain Toad
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert
- Crash Bandicoot (series)
- Dark Souls
- Diablo III
- Doom (2016)
- Doom (series)
- Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!
- Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee
- Fortnite
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Hyper Bishi-Bashi Championship
- Jurassic World: Evolution
- Kingdom Hearts (series)
- Knights of Pen & Paper
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Lumines Remastered
- Mario Paint
- Mario Tenis Aces
- Mario Tennis (series)
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
- Metropolis Street Racer
- Mortal Kombat 3 (Playsation)
- Nier
- Nier: Automata
- Pandemonium
- Phantasy Star Online Ive's Enchangement Pack
- PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
- Pokken DX
- Quake (series)
- R/C Stunt Copter
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Resident Evil (Series)
- Resident Evil Gun Survivor
- Shaq Fu
- Shenmue
- Sonic Mania
- Soul Edge
- Street Fighter (series)
- Super Mario Bros.
- Surgeon Simulator
- Tekken (series)
- Tekken 7
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
- Vanquish
- West of Loathing
- Wii Tennis
- Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
- XCOM 2