by Jay
- 5 minute read - 885 wordsToday’s header image was created by me. It s photo that I took while we where at the Retro Games Fair.
Squidgey and I recently attended a retro games fair in Leeds.
The Event
Last year we attended the Super Retro Game Fair, which was held at Leeds City Hall.
This year it was a slightly smaller affair, and I do mean slightly – the place was packed to the rafters.
But that doesn’t mean it was any less popular. We turned up at 10:40 (the event started at 11am) and this was the start of the queue:

A photo of the queue to enter the Leeds Retro Fair, taken shortly before the fair began
The Games Room
There was a games room this year, which was new.
Anyone could try their hands at playing Tekken Tournament, Halo, Battle Blocks Theatre,

A photo of the games room showing Tekken Tournament, Halo and Battle Blocks Theatre
Donkey Kong, Worms Armageddon, Mario Kart Double Dash, Ape Escape, Capcom vs SNK

A photo of the games room showing Donkey Kong, Worms Armageddon, Mario Kart Double Dash, Ape Escape, and Capcom vs SNK
Super Smash Brothers Brawl or PowerStone

A photo of the games room showing Super Smash Brothers Brawl and PowerStone
on various consoles.
Also there was someone wearing a horse head mask… so that’s a thing.
As usual there where lots of shops, stores and independent traders there selling their wares (games, consoles, t-shirts, and even a few selling games related things like mugs and plushies).
There was even someone selling modded video games and unreleased games, including the unreleased Dreamcast version of Half Life

An obviously pirated copy of the DreamCast port of Half-Life
I’m in the process of writing a post about the Amstrad CPC 464 (which was our first computer), so you’ll understand why my jaw dropped when we found a stall with hundreds of Amstrad tapes for sale

A large collection of games for the Amstrad CPC 464, which where provided on cassette tape
Squidgey saw how enamoured I was and even bought me this:

A copy of the Amstrad CPC game Animal, Vegetable or Mineral
Which was the first game we played on our 464 back in the day. Then, a few feet away, we actually saw one for sale:

An Amstrad CPC 464 for sale
The folks over at Sore Thumb Retro Games had their usual stall (which is where Squidgey and I get a lot of our rarer games from), filled with games for (pretty much) every console that there ever was.
Then Squidgey saw this:

A Nintendo VirtualBoy for Sale
and even a Power Glove

A Nintendo Power Glove
And of course, the whole event had the greatest sound track ever: a curated selection of video game soundtrack songs.
We recognised songs from:
- The NES version of TMNT
- Jet Set Radio
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- Castlevania
- Kirby in Dreamland
- Streets of Rage
As soon as Going Straight started, Squidgey said, ‘The song of my people!’
- Kingdom Hearts
- Contra
There were others, but they went by in a bit of a blur.
Our Haul
All in all, we were only at the event for a few hours but we came away with a great collection of memories.
As I mentioned earlier, Squidgey bought me this:

A copy of the Amstrad CPC game Animal, Vegetable or Mineral
Which will be sat at my new desk, once I’ve set it up.
I even managed to track down a copy of Samurai Warriors for PS2:

A copy of the PlayStation 2 game Samurai Warriors
I’ve got a post planned on this one already.
Squidgey picked up some fantastic games too:

Copies of the PlayStation games Bio Hazard (the original Resident Evil, but in Japanese) and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
He tried to pay for Bio Hazard (the Japanese version of Resident Evil) in Yen but the guy wasn’t having any of it.
And the cover art for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver is one of those 3D optical illusion thingies.
Here’s his NES haul (for his burgeoning NES collection):

Copies of the NES games Solar Jetman, Captain SkyHawk, and Boulder Dash
This is, pretty much, the first summer of video games that I can remember. All that’s missing from this group is Power Blade, TMNT and Super Mario Bros. and you have my first summer of video games.

A copy of the original Diablo for PC
Squidgey has been on a bit of a Diablo 2 and 3 kick recently, so finally being able to pick up the game where it all started was a bonus for the day.
When I asked Squidgey what he thought of the event, he had this to say:
It’s been a trip down memory lane. And if your first gaming experience was from the PS3 onwards, this event won’t make much sense to you, but if you’re a little older it’ll be a great way to spend an afternoon
For me, this was a fantastic way to spend a Saturday morning (and part of the afternoon) with one of my favourite people: my brother.
To which he said:
Kiss arse
Did you go to the Retro Games fair or are you planning to attend one similar? Let us know in the comments.